Thursday, December 21, 2006

Nakshatras for Guidance.

The Nakshatras or Lunar Mansions (Moon Signs)

To know today's star :

Ashwini (Possessing Horses) -
Good time for fast action, getting more wealth, buying or selling vehicles, travelling, starting studies.

Bharani (Bearing) -
Time for unpleasant but necessary duties, burning things, drilling for water.

Krittika (Cutters) -
Time for boldness, audaciousness and warlike approach, good for driving.

Rohini (Red One) -
Good for all new undertakings, marriage, lay foundations of buildings.

Mrigasira (Deer's Head/Path) -
Time for marriage, new friends, gardening, receiving sacred thread, travel.

Ardra (Moist One) -
Time for dirty work, going against others, fighting back.

Punarvasu (Two Good-Again) -
Time for starting over, making repairs, searching for a home, marrying.

Pushya (Nourishing) -
Time for imroving health, parties, music and dancing, travel but not for marrying.

Aslesha (Clinging) -
Good for fighting, getting rid of old and unwanted things in your life, taking a stand, taking a chance.

Magha (Mighty One) -
Time for grandiose actions, taking risks, influential people.

Purva Phalguni (Former Red One/Fig Tree) -
Time for restraining your enemies, using subterfuge, gamble but don't take physical risks.

Uttara Phalguni (Latter Red One/Fig Tree) -
Good for new beginnings, marriage, new home, promises and vows.

Hasta (Hand) -
Time for stabilisation or new approaches, for enduring results.

Chitra (Bright) -
Good for improving health, gardening, new clothes, repairing mechanical things.

Swati (Self Going) -
Good time to make advances and progress in your affairs, not so good for travelling.

Visakha (Forked One) -
Time for construction, land deals, dealing with cars, healing.

Anuradha (Additional Radha) -
Good for marrying, commitments, vows, holidays, housewarming parties.

Jyeshta (Eldest) -
Time for maturity, confronting enemies, asking for forgiveness.

Mula (Root) -
Good for gardening and agriculture, working with water, breaking agreements.

Purvashada (Former Unconquered) -
Good for releasing someone, paying off debts, forgiveness, not good for travel.

Uttarashada (Latter Unconquered) -
Time for planning for the future, redecoration, new homes, repairs, marriage.

Shravana (Trident) -
Time for healing, preventative measures, religious ceremonies, favourable actions.

Dhanistha (Wealthiest) -
Good for travel, new car, self-defence, gardening.

Satabisha (100 Healers)-
Time for signing contracts for home and land, good for business deals and health cures.

Purva Bhadrapada (Former Lucky Feet) -
Time for dangerous or risky actions, agriculture, new pets.

Uttara Bhadrapada (Latter Lucky Feet) -
Time for commitments, vows, marriage, new homes.

Revati (Wealthy) -
Good for trade and business, marriage, new homes, religious buildings.